Install WordPress Plugins from the Dashboard

Installing Plugins for WordPress from the WordPress Dashboard is a hitch:

1. Log into WordPress

WordPress Plugin Add New

2. On the left-hand side of the Dashboard, hover over 'Plugins' and click 'Add New'

3. Use the search feature and type in the 'Name of the Plugin' or 'keyword' for the type of plugin you wish to install.

In this example, we are searching for the 'NGINX Helper Plugin'.

WordPress Plugins Search

4. Locate the plugin you wish to install and click 'Install Now'.


WordPress Plugins Install Now

The 'Install Now' icon will change to indicate the plugin is being installed.

WordPress Plugins Action Installing

5. Click on 'Activate' to activate the installed plugin.

WordPress Plugins Activate

 That's it! Head on over to the plugin settings to configure your new plugin.

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